AD Pro (ADP5250)
Designed to combine a complete set of instruments into a flexible and programmable device, the ADP5250 features a mixed-signal oscilloscope with two 100 MHz bandwidths, 1 GS/s analog channel, 34 digital channels, a tri-output power supply capable of up to 25 V, an external trigger, Waveform Generator, and a built-in programmable DMM. This is our first instrument with full DMM capabilities including true current and resistance measurement and a 300 V input range.
Analog Discovery Pro devices feature a variety of advanced triggering options. Instruments within WaveForms can be cross-triggered, for example, by activating an oscilloscope capture based on a received and decoded digital protocol. In addition, external signals can trigger events using the dedicated external trigger input/output. Our free WaveForms software provides these features configurable in the instruments themselves, or for more control or automation in one of the available scripting interfaces.
Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
- Two differential channels with 8-bit resolution at up to 1 GS/s in a single channel, and 500MS/s per channel in dual channel mode with 40V peak to peak, 100 MHz bandwidth with BNC Adapter
- With an input impedance of 1 M Ohm, 20 pF
- Upto 32 Channels with 1 GS/sand input voltage of 5V and input threshold of 2V
- User-configurable input filters and lock-in amplifier
- FFT, Spectrogram, Eye Diagram, XY Plot views, and more
- One channel with 14-bit resolution at up to 125 MS/s per channel with a +/-12 V output range, 15 MHz bandwidth with BNC Adapter
- Standard waveforms, amplitude, and frequency modulated signals, direct playback from analog inputs, custom waveforms, and more
- Two Channels with 250 Mhz bandwidth
- FFT, CZT, noise floor, SFDR, SNR, THD, Harmonic measurements, and more
- Two Channels with a frequency sweep of 10 uHz to 25 MHz, and frequency steps of 10001 samples.
- FFT, Nicholas, Nyquist, and more
- Two Channel with a 24.4 uHz to 20 Mhz, and frequency steps of 10000
- Supported plots of Impedance, Admittance, Inductance, Capacitance, and more.
- Two Channels with ± 25V DC/AC
- Two Channels with DC/AC, True RMS, and math functions, up to 24 hrs of data logged at 1 Hz sample rate.
- With 32 Channels at upto 1 GS/s per channel
- SPI, I2C, UART, CAN, JTAG, ROM logic, I2S, 1Wire, HDMI CEC, Manchester, and more
- Upto 8 Channels
- Logic level 5V TTL Input, 3.3V LVTTL Output
- Three Channel with Output Voltage of +6 V/1A, +25V/500mA, and -25V/500mA
- 5½ Digits with 5 S/s, Input Protection, Voltage (DC/AC), Current (DC/AC), Resistance, Diode, continuity measurements, and more.
- One Digital input/output with 3.3V CMOS, 5V tolerant
- Simultaneous control of all instruments through an in-application JavaScript interface, automatable GUI actions, custom data analysis, and manipulation features
- Waveform
- Compatible Windows
- 1 ADP5250
- 1 USB A to B cable
- 1 1×14 Digital I/O Screw Terminal Adapter
- 1 1×6 Power Supply Screw Terminal Adapter
- 1 2×18 Logic Analyzer MTE Cable
- 1 US IEC Cable
- 1 EU Adapter
- 1 UK Adapter
- 2 P2150 150MHz Oscilloscope Probe (Optional)
- 2 BNC to Mini-grabber Cable (Optional)
- 1 Set of Red and Black DMM Probes (Optional)