6 09, 2024

WebDAQ over WiFi


Logging Data with the WebDAQ over WiFi Digilent recently released updated versions of the WebDAQ 316, 504, and 904. These devices are internet-enabled dataloggers, capable of logging data from a variety of sensors like thermocouples, IEPE accelerometers, and many more. They are set up for remote access from the local network – whether from [...]

WebDAQ over WiFi2024-09-06T16:59:22+05:30
13 06, 2023

Digilent PC based TMI Solutions


Test & Measurement Equipment Your own professional electronics benchtop. No lab or office is required. Designed with portability in mind, our test and measurement solutions combine the feel and functionality of a professional lab bench with a flexible software user experience. Whether you are a professional seeking the freedom to test designs in [...]

Digilent PC based TMI Solutions2024-08-06T15:54:12+05:30
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