GSAS-86/88E is an economical version of our advanced microprocessor trainer GSAS-86/88-3. It is a powerful, general-purpose microprocessor trainer which can be operated either with 8086 CPU or 8088 CPU in maximum mode of operation. It can be configured for different modes of operation.
The basic system can be expanded through the system bus connector. The powerful firmware provides a keyboard monitor, serial monitor, one-line assembler, disassembler, and driver programs for parallel printer interface and EPROM programmer interface. GSAS-86/88E is supported with comprehensive and user-friendly documentation.
GSAS-86/88E can communicate with the host PC using the DOS/Windows-based Driver Software supplied. All the standard commands of the serial monitor of GSAS-86/88E are fully supported by this package with online help. In addition, object code files (HEX files generated using PC native tools like MASM, TASM) can be downloaded to GSAS-86/88E from the host PC, permitting the development in R&D labs and industries or for training in research and educational institutions. This Trainer communicates with host PC through USB or RS-232C in serial mode.
The main features of the board are:
GSAS 86/88E operates on single +5V power supply either in stand-alone mode or with host PC through its USB or RS-232C interface in serial mode.
Works with either 8086 or 8088 CPU at 5 MHz.
Keyboard and serial monitor support the entry of user Program, editing and debugging facilities like breakpoint, Single-step and full speed execution of user program.
Built-in One Line Assembler, Disassembler in both serial and stand-alone modes of operation.
GSAS 86/88E has provision for on-board memory of 192K Bytes inclusive of 64K bytes of RAM with optional battery backup.
Monitor resident parallel printer driver.
48 I/O lines and three 16-bit programmable interval timers.
Provision for system bus expansion through two 26 pin flat ribbon cable connectors.
User-friendly menu-driven windows driver software for file upload/download to/from host PC.
64K Bytes of software breakpoints implemented through Windows driver
[Optional Accessories]
- Power Adapter :+5V @ 3A (SMPS).
- PC keyboard for stand-alone mode of operation.
- EPROM Programmer Interface to program 2716 through 27512.
- Interface modules for training purpose: Calculator type keypad, HEX Keypad, Elevator, Display, Dual DAC, 12 bit 8 channel ADC, Tone Generator, Stepper Motor, Opto-Isolated Input, Opto-Isolated Output,Relay Output, DC Motor Interface, TXDR ADC, Etc.,
- Study Cards for 8255, 8279, 8251/8253 and 8259.
- Power Supply: +5V@3A; ±12V@250mA; and +30V@100mA (required for some of the above interfaces)
- 3.6V Ni-Cd battery for power backup to RAM.
- Parallel Printer Interface Cable.
- RS-232C cable.
For more details and specifications please refer to our data sheet: GSAS 86 E
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