Analog Discovery 2
Analog Discovery 2 is a USB oscilloscope, logic analyzer, and multi-function instrument that allows users to measure, visualize, generate, record, and control mixed-signal circuits of all kinds.
This compact Equipment is small enough to be a pocket oscilloscope, but powerful enough to replace a stack of lab oscilloscopes and equipment, providing engineering professionals, students, hobbyists, and electronic enthusiasts the freedom to work with analog and digital circuits in virtually any environment, in or out of the lab.
Driven by the free WaveForms software (Mac, Linux, and Windows compatible), this small oscilloscope can be configured to work as any one of several traditional test and measurement instruments including an Oscilloscope, Waveform Generator, Power Supply, Voltmeter, Data Logger, Logic Analyzer, Pattern Generator, Static I/O, Spectrum Analyzer, Network Analyzer, Impedance Analyzer, Protocol Analyzer, and Curve Tracer.
- Two differential channels with 14-bit resolution at up to 100 MS/s per channel with a +/-25 V input range, 30+ MHz bandwidth with BNC Adapter
- User-configurable input filters and lock-in amplifier
- FFT, Spectrogram, Eye Diagram, XY Plot views, and more
- Two channels with 14-bit resolution at up to 100 MS/s per channel with a +/-5 V output range, 12 MHz bandwidth with BNC Adapter
- Standard waveforms, amplitude, and frequency modulated signals, direct playback from analog inputs, custom waveforms, and more
- Two Channels with 50 Mhz bandwidth
- FFT, CZT, noise floor, SFDR, SNR, THD, Harmonic measurements, and more
- Two Channels with a frequency sweep of 1mHz to 10 MHz, and frequency steps of 10001 samples.
- FFT, Nicholas, Nyquist, and more
- Two Channel with a 10uHz to 10Mhz, and frequency steps of 10000
- Supported plots of Impedance, Admittance, Inductance, Capacitance, and more.
Two Channels with ± 25V DC/AC
- Two Channels with DC/AC, True RMS, and math functions, up to 24 hrs of data logged at 1 Hz sample rate.
- With 16 Channels at upto 100 MS/s per channel
- Individually-configurable 3.3 V digital inputs and outputs, 5V tolerant inputs
- SPI, I2C, UART, CAN, JTAG, ROM logic, I2S, 1Wire, HDMI CEC, Manchester, and more
- With 16 Channels at upto 100 MS/s per channel
- Individually-configurable 3.3 V digital inputs and outputs, 5V tolerant inputs
- User Defined patterns and data file import supported
- Upto 16 Channels
- Virtual Devices, LEDs, Buttons, Switches, Sliders, Progress Bars, Seven Segment Display
- Two Channel with Output Voltage of 0.5 V to 5 V and -0.5 V to -5 V
- Upto 500mW with USB, and 2.1 W per channel with External Supply
- Upto 16 Channels
- Supported Protocols UART, SPI, I2C, CAN, AVR
- Two Digital input/outputs on MTE Connectors with 3.3V CMOS, 5V tolerant
- Simultaneous control of all instruments through an in-application JavaScript interface, automatable GUI actions, custom data analysis, and manipulation features
- Waveform
- Compatible with Mac, Windows, Linux
- Analog Discovery 2
- One regular-sized project box
- One USB A to the micro B programming cable
- One 2×15 flywire signal cable assembly
- 5-pack of 6-pin male headers
- One ferrite cable snap-on
- 30-pin flywire labels