PCB Designer

20 09, 2021

Webinar | Efficient Polygon Practice in Altium Designer


Creating, Deleting, and modifying the polygon pours on your board is something you do every day but are you doing it in the quickest most efficient way? The copper pours you place on your board can make or break your product. You need to make sure you’re handling not only Analog and Digital power [...]

Webinar | Efficient Polygon Practice in Altium Designer2021-09-29T18:14:28+05:30
27 06, 2017

Thermal Risk Management Tools


TRM-PDN analysis plus Thermal Analysis software by ADAM Research is a special tool of engineering analysis that takes care of the needs and necessary details of PCB simulations. If you work with CAD software having no thermophysical analysis modules or you don’t want to get involved in complex finite elements, then TRM is the [...]

Thermal Risk Management Tools2024-08-06T15:49:19+05:30
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